
Monday, April 27, 2015

League of Legends' Jinx Cosplay Makeup Test

Hi there!  It's been a while, but I'm excited to show you guys my current endeavor: Jinx.  She's a spunky champion from the online game League of Legends. (which I often stream on Twitch!)

All in all, I think the makeup test came out decently, but I have a lot to improve on.  I'm going to be dying a lace front with with a widow's peak for the actual cosplay.  (so long Elsa wig!)  Also, in these pics, I used a phone app to change the color of my eyes, because I'm currently still waiting on my pink circle lenses to arrive. :3

Also, I need to work on my deranged, psychotic look, because Jinx be cray cray.

Currently constructing her rocket launcher, Fishbones, and I'll be posting those pics soon!  However, I'm a little stumped on how to construct the bullets on her bullet belt.  Anyone have any ideas? X )


  1. Looks awesome! Did you ever continue with the cosplay?

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